
Frequently Asked Questions
How is competitive soccer different from recreational soccer?
In Recreational soccer there is no selection/tryout process. Skill evaluations may be held to form teams in a fair and balanced method. All players who register are assigned to a team as long as space is available in their age division. Players benefit from social interaction with other players their own age and physical fitness aspects of the game while also developing better soccer skills. A 50% playtime rule is set in place by FYSL for recreational players. All games are usually held at the same local location every weekend and the season runs 8 - 10 weeks. Typically, coaches are parent volunteers.
Competitive soccer holds tryouts to identify players on the basis of talent, ability, and coachability. Players selected for teams are committing to their team for one seasonal year (August 1 - July 31 of the following year). There is no playtime rule on competitive teams. The amount of time they get on the field is decided by the Head Coach. During the gaming league season, teams play district-wide which requires travel and commitment. All coaches are licensed, not volunteers.
Who should try out for Villa FC?
Our competitive program seeks players who want to experience a more competitive soccer environment and who will make a commitment to improving their skills and overall game. Players with good soccer skills or good general athletic ability and with dedicated and supportive parents are encouraged to try out for teams with Fallbrook Villa FC.
What time comittment is involved?
Teams have two practices a week and usually one game per weekend, occasionally Sat & Sun games during the league season. Practice times will vary depending on the age group. Tournament participation is generally a two-day commitment, Saturday and Sunday. Travel time also comes into play during the league season with only half of the games scheduled at home.
How much does is cost to play competitive soccer?
Families are expected to pay for costs associated with playing competitive soccer. These include registration, coaching, fields, gaming league fees, equipment and admin., etc. Fees range from approximately $760 - $1150 and can vary by the team. Teams attending tournaments will share the costs equally on their respective teams. Fallbrook Villa FC requires a $300 down payment at the time of registration and the balance is then split into monthly payments, final payment due on Sept.10th.
If a player does not get selected for a competitive team, can they still play recreational?
Most definitely. One of Fallbrook Youth Soccer/Fallbrook Villa FC goals is to provide developmentally appropriate soccer opportunities to all our youth soccer players. Those who don't make a competitive team can still sign up for recreational soccer in their respective age division.