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Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my child have to be to play Recreational Soccer for FYSL?

FYSL offers recreational soccer programs for Pee Wee's (players turning 3 through players turning 13 years old)  If a player is returning from the Fall season to play Spring season, they will be assigned to the same age group in the Spring.

Is my child old enough to play in the FYSL recreational league?

We begin our annual seasons with the Fall Season starting in mid August.  Children who are turning 3 years old by December 31st are eligible to play in the Pee Wee age group.  4 years old through 13 years old will be assigned to teams.

Can my child play in a younger division ("play down")?

Playing down is only permitted with special physical or mental needs and must be approved by Cal South.  Please email FYSL for such requests:

When is registration for recreational soccer?

Fall Season - registration dates will be scheduled Mid May – June 30th – the season opens mid August

Winter Arena - registration dates will be scheduled in November – Mid December, the season opens after the first weekend in January.

Spring Season - registration dates will be scheduled in January – Mid February, the season opens middle of March.

Keep these dates in mind and check our website often for updated posts and events.

Can I register late?

Registrations received after posted deadlines are subject to a $25 late fee if teams have already been formed. 


A late registration will only be accepted if there is an opening in your child’s age division.  If a particular age division is full, we will form a wait list and contact you if an opening becomes available.

What is the refund policy?

Unfortunately, when coaches, players and/or parents start choosing teams, the teams can become unbalanced-which isn't much fun and defeats the purpose of our recreational program.  One of the benefits of recreational soccer is making new friends, experiencing new coaches and new techniques.  Therefore, FYSL does not guarantee any requests for player placement on a team.  The only players that may remain on a specific team together will be child of the Head Coach and Assistant Coach.

Is the program "age pure"?

The program is age pure, however we have combined age groups in prior seasons to enable us to form at least 4 teams in a division to play games. Each season, the number of registered players determines team structure.   

Do I need to buy soccer cleats?

Cleats are not mandatory in recreational soccer however the majority of players do wear cleats.  Soccer cleats should have plastic or molded rubber studs.  The studs must not be sharp and cleats with a single stud at the toe

(baseball, football cleats) are illegal for soccer.

What other equipment do I need?

For practices you should have your own soccer ball in the appropriate size.  Appropriate shin guards are mandatory.  Players without shin guards may not practice or play in games.  Players must always bring water to each practice and game.  Children with orthodontics should consider a mouth guard.  NO jewelry of any kind is permitted.  Earrings must be removed prior to the start of any practice or game; they cannot be taped over.  Plaster or metal casts may not be worn for practices or games.  Soft wraps worn for support are acceptable. 

I have never played soccer. Can I still coach?

​Absolutely!  We rely on adults that want to be involved with their children.  We offer coaching clinics and there are plenty of resources on the web for the beginner coach.

How can I help?

There are many ways for parents to help.  The minimum that we ask is for you to be supportive of your child, the coach of your team and FYSL as a whole.  You could also volunteer to be a head coach, assistant coach or team parent.  Show your support by attending as many games as possible and helping out during practices if the coach asks for assistance.  Every year we need more coaches.  This is a fun and rewarding experience that requires time, but can have a significant impact on the lives of a number of children.  We require all our coaches to attend coaching clinics and also require all coaches to undergo a Live Scan, an fulfil other requirements Cal South mandates.   Expenses  are covered by FYSL.  If you are interested in helping even more, and can invest time and want to have more responsibility and voice, we have a way!  Our league is run by a hard-working group of volunteers that serve as the Board of Directors.  If you are interested in becoming a Board Member or getting involved on one of our committees, please talk to one of the current Board members.   

How will my player receive their uniform?

Uniforms will be distributed through your coach. 

What if there aren't enough children registered in a particular age division to form enough teams for a gaming season?

Every season we try our best to keep our team divisions "Age Pure".  However, if we do not have enough girls or boys to form sufficient teams, we will combine both boys and girls along with two age groups and play co-ed.  We try to do everything possible to find a solution before combing age groups.   

Who decides when and where practices are held?

One of the benefits of coaching is getting to select when to hold practices.  A coach will have one or two practices per week between sixty to ninety minutes (length depends on age) between the hours of 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm at one of the local schools that FYSL has reserved for the season.

What happens during the event of inclement weather?

If the weather is questionable, or there was heavy rain anytime within the 48-72 hours prior to your game, please check the "Ingold Field" status area on our home page or call our hotline info number, 760-529-0909.  The hotline will be updated by 7:15 am on Saturdays.  If there is no message on the hotline indicating a change in schedule due to bad weather or field conditions, please assume that the game as scheduled remains in place.  On game day, if the weather worsens, the referee may be forced to make a call, at their discretion, upon arrival to the field.  

Do you need sponsorships?

Yes, it takes much more money than we take in from registration to run the league. Sponsorships help offset fees paid for field use, equipment, referees, uniforms, field maintenance, insurance, scholarships and more.  Our sponsors our valued partners in our organization and take a "big" part in keeping a youth soccer program running in our local community.

Thank You Sponsors!

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PO Box 271

Fallbrook, CA 92088



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